All Contributions Welcome!
Give a donation in honor or memorial to someone, donate to our general operating fund, our Listen & Learn program, or the Scholarship Program. Any amount assists in making our programs possible and is greatly appreciated. Click the Donate button to get started with PayPal. *Note: You do not need a PayPal account to donate. We simply use them as our online merchant.
Donate by Check
If you prefer to donate by check, please make the check out to Rochester Music Guild and send it to:
Rochester Music Guild
P.O. Box 5802
Rochester, MN 55903-5802
Leave a Legacy!
Give a gift through your will – By naming the Rochester Music Guild in your will, you ensure great music will continue for future generations. Please let us know if you’ve made a planned gift in your will or want instructions about how to leave a gift for the future – contact our Treasurer.
Prudent Fiscal Management
The Rochester Music Guild is committed to fiscal accountability. We are a service organization staffed by volunteers which means that 100% of your membership money is used to support music. Thank you!